
Men's Ministries

Twin City is focused on growing Christ-centered men through Bible teaching, small group accountability, discipleship relationships, and godly fellowship with other Christian men.

Men's Conference

Each year, our men enjoy a concentrated weekend of fellowship and biblical teaching. Our 2025 conference is scheduled for April 4-5 with guest speaker Paul Lamey, senior pastor of Grace Community Church in Huntsville, AL. Online registration will be posted soon.


Project Manhood

This is a monthly gathering for all men in the church. Typically meeting either on a Sunday evening or Saturday morning (with a break in the summer), we will enjoy a meal and then study theology together in order to be sharpened and strengthened in our walk with God.

For more information contact Danny Gumprecht

Journey Groups

Journey Groups are small groups for the men of Twin City that meet around the Triad at various times. The purpose of Journey Groups is the encouragement of growth in godliness through close accountability, fellowship, discussion, and prayer.

Please contact Danny Gumprecht to get connected to a Journey Group.