
Pressing Ahead


Please take note of the following instructions that will help ensure the safety of our church family and the efficiency of the construction crews:

1. The construction site will be fenced in. No one is to enter this fenced area.

2. Exterior doors facing the construction site are "Emergency Exit Only." Signs will be posted to remind of no entry or exit.

3. The car port entrance will be closed, so you will notr be able to circle the building.

4. Parking Update (as of June, 2024)

There is a new parking lot at the end of our current parking lot. With the completion of this project, please note the following instructions:

- Please do not utilize Ebert Street for parking anymore

- There should no longer be a need to park at the townhomes

- Due to lawn maintenance, please refrain from parking in the grassy lot in front of the church

- If you are able, park further away from the church and walk to allow others priority parking closer to the building


Grassy Lot In Middle of Parking Lot: Please only use if necessary on Wednesday evenings. Will be used Sundays. Suitable for most cars, vans, and SUVs. Please do not use if you have a low car or a large truck/SUV. Please remind your children that this will be an active parking lot.


What is Pressing Ahead?

Pressing Ahead is the building expansion project Twin City Bible Church began in 2022.

Why are we doing this project?

Due to increased attendance and membership at TCBC, we desire to maximize our current property to glorify God by equipping His people to be instruments for biblical transformation locally and around the world.

What are we trying to accomplish?

Phase 1 of this expansion will focus on additional education space, staff offices, and parking.

How will we expand?

Initially, we will focus on Phase 1 in order to increase our education space for children, youth, and adults. A larger worship space is planned for the future in Phase 2.

What are we envisioning for the future?

 Phase 1

  • Renovating our existing nursery wing and educational building
  • Building an Equipping Center that includes classrooms, restrooms, lobby space, new staff offices, a Resource Center, and a kitchen
  • Increasing available parking


Phase 2

  • Increasing worship space
  • Creating a lobby/3rd space
  • Adding classrooms
  • Increasing available parking








How can you help Twin City Bible Church press ahead?

You can pray earnestly with us, that we would be wise stewards with the financial resources, property space, and people that God has graciously given to us.

We will also need the faithful and sacrificial giving of God's people, both within and without our congregation, in order to have the necessary funds to maximize the property God has blessed us with. 

If you are a member or a regular attender at TCBC, we ask that you continue your regular giving as well as consider what the Lord may have you give toward this project. You can utilize our church app or our in-person giving options to specify gifts toward the Building Fund. Those who are not members or regular attenders and yet benefit from the extended ministry of TCBC, we would also ask you to consider how you can give to this project.

Anyone can scan the QR code below to give a one-time or a recurring tax-deductible gift toward the Building Fund. You can also utilize the link below:


SCAN to give toward Pressing Ahead. Select "one-time" or "recurring" gift, select Building Fund from the drop down menu, enter your donation amount, and click "submit." We thank you for contributing toward the advance of the gospel and the sanctification of God's people at Twin City Bible Church.